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6 Ways to Prevent Dental Emergencies

November 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — brsdentistry @ 8:39 pm
Woman with toothache

If you’ve ever encountered a dental emergency, you know how stressful they can be. They never seem to happen at a convenient time, and you are likely to end up dealing with quite a bit of pain. The good news is that most dental emergencies are avoidable with proper precautions. Your emergency dentist in Richmond is here to help. Continue reading to learn some tips that can help you to avoid a dental emergency in the near future.

Notice Changes

If you suddenly start feeling pain in your mouth or a toothache disappears, this is something to address with your dentist. By catching changes early on, you can often times get them treated before they become more serious. For instance, if you have a severe toothache that goes away, this could by a sign that an infection has killed the nerve inside your tooth. By seeing your dentist as soon as possible, they will have a better chance at saving your tooth.

Good Oral Hygiene

Remember that you should be brushing twice for two minutes and flossing at least once every single day. This will keep plaque, food debris, and bacteria away from your teeth and gums so you won’t develop oral health problems like cavities and periodontal disease. Replace your toothbrush every three months or when you notice that it is starting to look worn.

Go Easy on the Sugar

When you eat sugar, bacteria feed off of it and releases a weak acid in your mouth as a by-product. This is an issue because it attacks your protective tooth enamel by removing essential minerals. In the end, you are more likely to develop cavities. When you decide to have a sugary treat, try to include it as part of one of your main meals to reduce the amount of time that your mouth is vulnerable to damage.

Use a Mouthguard

Spending time staying active is important for your health, but contact sports can be risky for your smile. If there is a chance that you could take a blow to the mouth, remember to wear a mouthguard. Dental injuries happen all the time when playing sports, and many of them can be avoided with this protective device.

Stay Hydrated

You need to drink plenty of water so that you are hydrated enough to produce an adequate amount of saliva. Saliva is necessary to wash away food debris and maintain a neutral pH level. It also contains specific minerals that help to protect your teeth so that you don’t encounter decay.

See Your Dentist

Even if you are an excellent brusher and flosser, seeing your dentist is still necessary for preventive care. Your hygienist removes plaque and tartar from places you can’t reach, and your dentist checks for preexisting issues so they can be resolved before becoming serious.

Don’t let a dental emergency get in the way of your holiday season. By following the steps above, you can enter the new year with a strong, healthy smile.

About the Author

Dr. W. Neil Snow has been serving patients in Richmond for two decades. He pursued his dental doctorate from the Medical College of Virginia School of Dentistry and continues to take as many continuing education courses as he can to keep his knowledge and skills sharp. If you have a dental emergency, his team will get you into the office as soon as possible so you can get relief. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit his website or call (804) 288-5324.

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